Bringing the world, safely, to the neurodivergent.

Feb 2023

Diversity is a superpower

Here at nTergr8 we are working very hard at bringing a safe, secure, reliable internet to the divergent. We use proprietary AI which has contextual awareness. We are working exceptionally hard at getting this done as quickly as possible. You, the ND, will be able to understand the rest of planet and we will help you answer "like them". Although still in production, we are almost ready to launch our first app. Watch this space.

Living with Autism

Lifestyle management

Autism needs management, not treatment. ADHD needs patience, not medication. Comprehension is needed for change to occur!

Sensory overload and overwhelm are terrible afflictions. We stim, often, to keep calm. NTs do not comprehend the requirement of that stim.

I clench my jaw and grind my teeth, it's a bad one. I smoke, not so good... but I sketch, paint, oil pastels, sculpt (you should really try polymer clay, such a good feeling!)

We DO smile
Watch our eyes, that is where we show stress

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